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Mission & Values
Mission & Values
The Community Synagogue’s learning programs use a value-based approach to Jewish education. In addition to the components of teaching Jewish festivals and Hebrew, Jewish studies are organized in order to enable our students to embrace seven key values that we see as central to Judaism.
These key values are:
Kedushah (Holiness)
Talmud Torah (Importance of Study)
Kehillah (Community)
Mispacha (Family)
Ahavat Olam (Love of Israel)
Klal Yisrael (Unity of the Jewish People)
Ivrit (Hebrew Language and Prayer)
We want our children to grow up with a sense of what it means to be a Jew and to have positive feelings about their Jewish identity. Therefore, in each grade, we seek to introduce students to new concepts and challenge them to explore their Judaism in new ways.
Our learning programs have been designed with our school goals in mind, so as to provide each child with a well-rounded, engaging Jewish education. Each grade has a specific curricular focus for their yearly studies. In addition, Hebrew language and learning about the holidays are built into each grade’s curriculum.
Thu, September 12 2024
9 Elul 5784