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Shabbat Services

Every Shabbat and on all Jewish festivals, our congregation gathers to worship together in the beauty of the Reform Jewish tradition. Shabbat is a time to pause each week and put aside the demands on our lives. It is a time for personal and collective reflection and renewal. The Community Synagogue offers a variety of worship experiences. We invite you as a member, visitor or guest to discover worship that is meaningful to you. Mishkan T’filah is the prayerbook we use for all services. 

Friday Erev Shabbat Services

Tot Shabbat Service, 5:30 pm, These services are geared for children six and under, though older siblings (and all family members) are welcome. 

Erev Shabbat Service, 6:30 pm.  Roughly once a month we celebrate Shabbat Rocks, aa joyous and uplifting musical Shabbat experience.

“Second Shabbes” Congregational Family Shabbat Service, 6:30 pm-  This is a short Shabbat service held one Friday of the month (almost always on the second Friday.) The service is for all ages, but it is family-friendly, using a prayer book more appropriate for school children.  Come prepared for lots of music, spirit  and energy, often with the participation of our Religious School students. 

Saturday Shabbat Services

Torah Study, Saturdays, 9:00 am - 10:15 am- Start your Shabbat morning with a lively Torah discussion led by one of our clergy in the Boardroom.

Shabbat Morning Service - Main Sanctuary, 10:30 am- A celebratory service led by those becoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah and the clergy. These services are open to all.

Shabbat Havurah Service - Beit T'filah, 10:30 am- One of the clergy leads in this relaxed, informal service filled with ruach (spirit). Congregant volunteers are invited to participate in this supportive environment with a community atmosphere by reading from the Torah and/or participating in other ways.

Thu, September 12 2024 9 Elul 5784