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Life Cycle Events

Members of the synagogue have particular benefits in terms of the use of the synagogue building and of the time of our clergy. In some instances, those who are not members may make use – with certain limits – of the building. Details on the “Rights and Obligations of Synagogue Membership” may be found here.


We are honored to be part of the holiness of the covenant of marriage. Our clergy officiate at wedding services in The Community Synagogue’s Main Sanctuary, Beit T’filah (Old Sanctuary), on the synagogue grounds as well as at nearby locations. We also celebrate the joys of couples soon to be married with an aufruf (wedding blessing) on Erev Shabbat or Shabbat mornings.

Brit Milah/Baby Namings

Our clergy are available to help welcome children into the covenant of Israel. When available, clergy co-officiate with a mohel or mohelet for Brit Milah, or officiate solely for Brit Bat (Covenant Ceremony of a Girl). Namings are often celebrated on our bimah during Erev Shabbat (Friday evening) services or during Shabbat morning services.  

B'nai Mitzvah

Every Jew reaches the age of Jewish responsibility at his or her thirteenth birthday. We are proud to welcome those with a Jewish foundation and specific preparation to celebrate that milestone on our bimah. Students enrolled in our religious school program are eligible for B’nai Mitzvah. Learn more about our B'nai Mitzvah program.

Kabbalat Torah/Confirmation

Kabbalat Torah means to “receive Torah.” This course, taught by Rabbi Zeplowitz and our rabbinic intern Ilana Symons for students in 11th and 12th grade, challenges young people to define what it means to receive the Torah and our Jewish heritage.

Recognizing that Bar Mitzvah, although significant, does not, in modern society, mark a child's becoming an adult, the ceremony of Kabbalat Torah at age 15 allows girls and boys to affirm their commitment to Judaism as a consequence of a personal decision. Kabbalat Torah is a firmly established religious observance in Liberal Judaism. It was introduced because the founders of Liberal Judaism felt that at the age of 13 students were too young to declare a commitment to the community and to end their formal education. At the age of 15 it is felt that they are able to have a more mature and personal understanding of Jewish values. Kabbalat Torah encourages students to think about issues in their lives and in society as a whole, through the lens of Jewish tradition and Liberal Jewish values.

At The Community Synagogue this is seen as both the end of one's formal Jewish education as a child and as the beginning of a life as a committed adult Jew.

The Kabbalat Torah program is designed to help our students think about some of the most difficult and important issues Jews face. Questions examined include: Does God exist? What do bad things happen to good people? What happens after we die? Why should one stay Jewish?

The Kabbalat Torah class culminates in a ceremony that is held on "Shavuot" - the holiday traditionally known as "Z'man Matan Torateinu" - the time of we received the Torah at Sinai. Judaism is the heritage of our past. In Kabbalat Torah students are asked to consider if and how they will take it to bring it into the future.

Sharing Simchas (Joy) at TCS 

There is no better place to share your joy, celebrate and give thanks than in the midst of our synagogue community. We want to honor you and share your happiness. People celebrating birthdays, couples celebrating wedding anniversaries and anyone with good news to share are asked to announce their simcha during the Oneg Shabbat following services. All those celebrating a birthday in the month are invited to the bimah for a special birthday blessing during “Second Shabbes” (Family Services).  

Beth Moses CemetaryFunerals and Unveilings

Whatever time of the day or night, when a death of a member or their loved one occurs The Community Synagogue should be called (516-883-3144).  If someone is not immediately available, a message on our answering machine will direct you to one of our Rabbis or to our Cantor.  If a death occurs at night, please note that arrangements for funerals cannot be made until the next day, although the funeral home of your choice (which you should call directly) can pick up the deceased at any hour.  If you are in need of support and counsel in such a moment, call our clergy.

Please note that final funeral arrangements should not be made until confirming the details with one of the members of the clergy.

If you are dealing with a loved one who is gravely ill, or need support for a funeral or shiva, our guide "A Time to Prepare" can be found here.

Order a Yahrzeit Memorial Plaque

Each Plaque ($600.00 donation/plaque) commemorates the life of a person who is special to those who have made a donation for its purchase. Plaques may be ordered at the Synagogue Main Office. 516-883-3144 ext 322.

Shiva Minyan

A rabbi, cantor, or layperson will officiate at shiva minyan services in the home of the bereaved. The Community Synagogue provides appropriate prayer books and kippot.


We welcome those who wish to explore our faith and become part of the Jewish people. Our clergy work with individual candidates toward conversion to Judaism.


Our clergy meet with congregants on occasion for short-term counseling. We are also available to direct congregants to appropriate long-term counseling settings.  For further information about life cycle scheduling, please contact the Assistant to the Clergy, at 516-883-3144 ext. 328.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784